
Football Season...

I know for most gals out there the thought of football is oh so boring and you probably dread the months ahead with your man parked on the couch all day on Sunday. Well ladies if it's sympathy you want stop reading now... it's ok just close the browser and move on because I LOVE FOOTBALL!

We have a great group of friends that all support the New England Patriots down here in Corpus Christi and that is really what makes football great...hanging with your friends and let me tell you having Tom Brady on your team doesn't hurt either. It also doesn't hurt that the NFL wised up and started making super cute girly fan gear ;)

With Monday Night Football and the start of the season fast approaching I thought I would share a few of our fave memories from the past seven or so seasons...





I guess I didn't take any photos last season... oh well! Do you have any fall rituals with your friends and family or are you a die hard football fanatic like me?

loves- Cookie Louise


  1. my boy is a huge bears fan so last year whenever they played our place was the place to be! anyone not sporting gear from their favorite team was provided with extra bear's wear from our surplus so the living room became a sea of blue and orange with other teams paling in comparison. i love the relaxed atmosphere and good times with friends... but mostly i really love the food! the boy makes chili, i do a bunch of dips and it's pot-luck from others. a feast!


  2. Girl, I know! I always gain so much weight during football season...so many yummies to be had. We do the same with our Pats gear...put some on or get out :) We finally caved and got the Sunday Ticket and our lives have never been the same!!

    Cheers to a great season!

  3. Everybody looks so giddy and cute -- I love it and I'm not even into football!
