

So, it is my personal belief that I will not use the computer on the weekends. I know to most of you this sounds completely insane but after staring at the screen for eight hours a day, five days a week well I get really burnt out...really. I already feel TOO plugged in anyway between, twitter, facebook, blogging, blogs I read, etsy, flickr and the like I just need a break come Saturday!

All of that was just to say since Mother's Day is on a Sunday I didn't post and I still want to honor the lady who made me who I am today... While I was digging around looking for the pics I posted yesterday I came across a couple of stunning pics of my mama that I don't think I've seen before. Let me tell ya...she looks beautiful!

pams wedding 1978

Mom: 19 right before wedding 1979

Mom, thanks for always boosting my self-esteem and making me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world hands down all my life. Without your constant support I wouldn't have the confidence I have today.

Thank you for fostering my love of dancing, creating, thrifting and communicating...the arts completely embody my soul and that's something I love about myself thanks to you.

Thank you for always listening to me and not trying to fix my problems but just being there when I need a sympathetic ear.

mommy and me

Mom: 24/ Me: 2 mos. 1983

Thank you for being you Pamcakes... I love you!!!

loves- Cookie Louise


  1. Very sweet.


  2. Love it. And I am TOTALLY with you on the weekends thing. I have no desire to blog on the weekends, and I don't know how other people do it. I guess they can schedule a post that they write earlier, but still. Too much!

  3. I know what you mean about unplugging! I think about life in general without a computer and freak, but weekends, I think about it and sigh from happiness. It's so refreshing for the soul!

  4. seriously ladies...so much pressure to be "on" all the time...i enjoy bmy quiet tech free weekends!
